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Introducing Backseat: Your New In-Game Buddy

June 6, 2024

Today, we're excited to reveal Backseat to the world through our early access community alpha!

Tyler1 and our team have been hard at work building the ultimate League of Legends companion app since the start of 2024, and we're thrilled to share what we've got so far and where we see things going.

What is Backseat?

Backseat is an AI-powered in-game buddy designed to elevate your League experience and get you gains in-game. Our dream is to be the best way to get better at League and make every match social and fun.

Available today in our desktop app are our Backseat Buddy (in-game AI voice companion) and Post-Game Lobby features, with more on the way -- including real-time Q&A with your buddy, pre-game advice, and more creator voices (from creators across the globe!).

  • Backseat Buddy: Get commentary and insights on the match as it happens from Tyler1 through voice and overlay. Know what to buy, how to play lane matchups, and more!
  • Post-Game Lobby: After a match, go to the PGL page to get a detailed game summary, with strengths, improvement points, and callouts for each player.

We're still super early in building Backseat to where it could be, but wanted to get the community involved as soon as possible. Being in early access means limited features, and you might encounter bugs and issues.

Your feedback during this stage is invaluable to us, and we're excited to bring you on board to help shape the future of Backseat!

Join the waitlist - or skip the line

You can join our waitlist to be part of our rolling invite waves. We are letting in a limited number of users every day, and will let you know via email when you’re off the waitlist.

We’re also offering an optional Founders Pack subscription for Backseat Premium to get instant access, support Tyler1 and our team, and a bunch of special perks like:

  • Special role on Tyler1's Discord and the Backseat Discord.
  • Community events, like tournaments, meetups and digital hangouts.
  • An exclusive merch bundle (t-shirt and stickers) for annual subscribers.
  • Premium-only and early access, as they come.
  • Guaranteed pricing, even as we increase it in the future.

Closing thoughts

Alongside Tyler, we're a team of passionate gamers, ex-pro players, content creators, and startup founders dedicated to inventing an entirely new gaming experience.
Fun Fact: Our CBO Marcel (aka CLG Dexter) played in the League World Championship for Lemondogs in Season 3, and two of our tech team (David and Vee) were mainstays in the Garena Pro Gaming Series!

We all LOVE League, and we've always dreamt of building an app like this for the scene. We're excited to keep cooking new ways to make gaming more fun and support community-first creators.

We can’t wait for you to try Backseat and share your thoughts with us!

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